


Vimmatic can be configured by defining settings in a JSON document, e.g.:

   "properties": {
       "smoothscroll": true,
       "hintchars": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
       "complete": "sbh"

If a property is not set, it will be used the default. Properties can be temporarily overridden by using the :set command in the console.

The following properties are available:


Enable/disable smooth scrolling.

:set smoothscroll   " enable smooth scrolling
:set nosmoothscroll " disable smooth scrolling


Set hint characters. They will be used to follow links in the page.

:set hintchars=0123456789


Set completion items on open, tabopen, and winopen commands. The allowed value is character sequence of s, b, or h. Hit Tab or Shift+Tab to select an item from the completion list. Each character represents the following:

:set complete=sbh


Set color scheme on the console. The allowed value is one of light, dark, and system (default). light and dark indicate the light-mode and dark-mode are used in the console, respectively. system indicate the preferred color configured by system settings is used (see also prefers-color-scheme).

:set colorscheme=system     " Use system settings
:set colorscheme=light      " Light mode
:set colorscheme=dark       " Dark mode


Set find mode. The allowed value is one of normal (default) or regexp. The normal is the normal find mode, it finds the text that matches the text. The regexp is the regular expression find mode. The regular expression is based on the JavaScript RegExp.

:set findmode=normal        " Normal find mode
:set findmode=regexp        " Regular expression find mode


Enable or disable case-insensitive search.

:set ignorecase     " Enable case-insensitive search
:set noignorecase   " Disable case-insensitive search